Legacy University Apply

Application Process & Deadline

Each participant needs to individually complete an enrollment form – parents will complete the enrollment form for their children, and grandparents will complete the enrollment form for themselves. The application period is now closed. 

Family Groups

Legacy U participants are grouped by family to be placed in majors. A “family group,” at a minimum, must include one grandparent and one grandchild. All grandchildren must have at least one grandparent accompany them. One grandparent can accompany multiple grandchildren. A grandparent couple can accompany one grandchild or several. If a grandparent couple is attending with multiple grandchildren, they can choose one major for the whole group, or break into two family groups with different majors. Because of the residence hall configuration, there is a limit of three grandchildren per grandparent per suite. If two grandparents attend, a maximum of six grandchildren may attend.


Legacy University is one of the many benefits of being a member of the Texas Tech Alumni Association. To participate, a child must be between the ages of 7 and 13 and be registered in the Legacy Club under a person who is a current member of the TTAA. Grandparents who attend do not have to be members of the Texas Tech Alumni Association or graduates of Texas Tech.


The cost is $300 per individual child or grandparent, which includes Thursday and Friday nights’ lodging, six meals, Legacy U T-shirt, instruction and class materials, transportation around campus, and other fun activities.